Negative Capability

No ads, no compromises, no kidding

Negative Capability

No ads, no compromises, no kidding

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You Have Been Warned

This web site and all of its content is intended to be a parody of everything and everyone, except the Amish, FUCK THEM. Buggy-driving, beard-having motherfuckers. Fuck every last one of them. If you are Amish and you are offended, I have bad news, you are going to hell for going on the internet. Hell isn't real and neither is God but hey, you do you, Jedediah.

This material is intended for an informed, intelligent, discerning audience. If you don't get sarcasm or mean-spirited humor, you may want to wander elsewhere. If you aren't offended, you probably need to dig a little deeper and you'll find it. Most of the names have been changed but if your real name is on this site next to some salacious shit, just think hard about whether or not it's true before you contact a lawyer. They will tell you the same thing that I am telling you, the truth is a valid defense to claims of libel or defamation. You did the crime, do the time. The real people who may actually have cause to litigate have been obscured to the point of anonymity.

Just because I like something or hate something doesn't mean that you should. Think for yourself, like I do. It's easier, believe me. If you think there is something that demonstrably false on this web site, I would like you to bring it to my attention so I can correct it. Everything on the site is provided for free and is presented as is so if a link is broken or if I mention something that you want to buy and you can't find it, sorry, that's life.

If you like what you see, feel free to get in touch. If you hate it, suck it, grandma.

We do not collect or sell your info. The only cookie you get is so you don't see this privacy warning twice.