What is Negative Capability?
It is a perzine written and designed by Jøsh Saitz. I am originally from New York though I currently live in Connecticut. Negative Capability, or NegCap, has been sporadically published since 1998. Reviews have said that it is cruel, vicious, rude, profane and obsessed with drugs and pop culture. They're not wrong though I think there is way more to the story. You can decide for yourself. When I am feeling good about it, I think it is about the fundamental contradictions of the human spirit, how we can have empathy for some and ignore genocide for others. How we can be mean and sensitive, thoughtful and cruel, smart and stupid, funny and sour, often at the same time. That's what it means to me and I did not invent the term or the concept. I stumbled across it by accident and it has become the defining accomplishment of my life. No matter what else I ever do, I will always proudly say that I make zines. I have contributed to a lot of other publications though none has ever been as interesting or fulfilling as this one. I may be an asshole but I am glad you are here reading these words that I wrote. I hope I can make it worth your while. If you want to learn more about what I mean by Negative Capability, I wrote too much about that, too. Just click
here or use the navigation.